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Access to the Client Area is restricted and granted only to the Clients of the Evolution Gaming Group. 


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If mediation is not successful in resolving any Dispute, such Dispute shall be referred to and finally settled by arbitration under the Rules of the London Court of International Arbitration (the “Rules”), which Rules are deemed to be incorporated in these terms and conditions. It is agreed that:

  1. the number of arbitrators shall be one (1);
  2. the appointing authority for the purposes of the Rules shall be the London Court of International Arbitration;
  3. the seat, or legal place, of the arbitration shall be London;
  4. the language to be used in the arbitration shall be English; and
  5. the governing law of this arbitration agreement shall be the substantive law of England and Wales.

These dispute resolution mechanisms shall not, however, be construed in any way as to limit Evolution Gaming Limited’s freedom to enforce its rights including (but not limited to) in respect of the Marks, in any jurisdiction. By agreeing to arbitration, you and Evolution Gaming Limited do not intend to deprive any court of competent jurisdiction of its ability to issue any form of provisional remedy, including a preliminary injunction, or order any interim or conservatory measure. A request for such provisional remedy or interim or conservatory measure to a court shall not be deemed a waiver of the agreement to arbitrate.

Updated 21 Oct 2020.

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